7/16/2015: An Existential Crisis

What am I doing on this Earth? If you only knew how worthless and pointless my life has been. I wish I could tell you just how pointless my life is but it would be a long story and I don’t have the patience to type it out. I’m lazy. I’m good for nothing. I have no talent. I have no friends. I have no concept of what love is, partly because I am incapable of loving myself. No one could possibly love me, not a single person on this planet because I am unable to reciprocate most of the time anyway. Life is drab and pointless. Why do I go on? I have no desire to kill myself. I’m terrified of death. I want to live but intellectually I know that there is no point in my life. I accomplish nothing other than take up space and pollute the world with my waste.

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