Wrestling with Despair

It takes energy to write a poem and create a rhyme
It takes energy to wrestle with despair some times
Despair is like having no will to move forward
Like fits and starts that come and go and bottom out

Life is difficult enough to live without despair
Sometimes I think it’s just not fair
living with despair.

But then! I think to myself; if there were no such thing as despair…
Then there would be …well…no despair.

So maybe there’s just no silver lining to despair at all
Who needs it? Go away is what I say!
But despair won’t listen.
And so it stays.

Despair is kind of like a tortured poem that doesn’t rhyme very well
It’s the sort of thing you just can’t sell
Because nobody wants to live in it
Or be reminded of what it is to despair
Because like I say,
There’s no silver lining anyway.
So I sort of wallow in it sometimes
At least until it leaves
Then I’m fine

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